It's been a while since I've updated this blog.

Since my last entry, I've been diagnosed as having mild autism.

I've also spent 5 weeks studying a new blockchain, and recently, started learning how to do hooks on a certain protocol.

In addition, I've found the secret of earning a little bit of pocket money without much effort.

I've been seeing a counselor as well.

I was recently approached via GitHub to discuss a work engagement, so I contacted the person via his Telegram.

He gave me a Telegram group, which have 6-7 members, which I joined. And then, I was asked for my portfolio, which I supplied. Subsequently, I was asked for my resume, which I supplied too.

And then what happened next? Some guy in the group asked for my GitHub, which was already in my resume. I pointed out to him directly, that he has demonstrated he did not read my resume, which I have sent into the group.

He then countered with that I did not join too long. This already demonstrated he's not paying attention. Afterwards, I was told / or implied that I have to use/install Voico in order to communicate with them, however, upon installing Voico, I was unable to activate it (I tried several times, but no SMS and no call was sent or made to my phone).

The next day, I was told to get into Callzy, and I had problems using it, which I mentioned as well, 2 times, but these guys didn't notice. Frustrated, I quit the group and wished them good luck.

The reason for a group is so that everyone can talk to each other and see what each other have said. It is not for one party to dictate things to another person, while the rest just ignores what was said.