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This side of paradise - a Singapore blog

The metamorphosis of frove and the thoughts of a millionaire mind


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I love to read comics. When I was younger, I liked Calvin and Hobbes. I had Bill Watterson's entire collection of Calvin and Hobbes. I still love Calvin and Hobbes.

Why do I love Calvin and Hobbes? In an almost soliloquy, Calvin says

  1. Calvin: “Nothing I do is my fault”.
  2. Calvin: “My family is dysfunctional and my parents won't empower me! Consequently, I'm not self-actualized!”
  3. Calvin: “My behaviour is addictive functioning in a disease process of toxic dependency! I need holistic healing and wellness before I'll accept any responsibility for my actions!”
  4. Hobbes: “One of us needs to stick his head in a bucket of ice water.”
  5. Calvin: “I love the culture of victimhood.”

The entire collection of Calvin and Hobbes can be read here.

I hope you enjoy these comics as much as I do.

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