Yeah, I'm finally getting Delphi 2005. John has written to me a few hours ago saying so.
I could dance and dance, but I'm really bad at dancing.
Last night, Mok Yang called me and told me there'll be a dinner tonight. Few weeks ago, he told me I'll be part of a dinner squad. Since then, I've been to 3 or 4 dinners (can't really remember).
Looking at the frequency of dinners, I think I can say that in a year, there'll be at least 12 dinners, 1 for every month. Man, I should really start exercising huh? I don't know. The last time I've worked out consistently was between 1996 and 1997, for 6 to 7 months. It takes a consistent effort and though I've purchased a pair of shoes for running some time ago, I've not done so yet.
After hearing about Buddha jumps over the wall for many many years, I think this year will be the first year in which I think I will have a chance at it. Man, it depends.
Recently, I lost the project I tried to bid for. Someone asked me about the progress, and after some ponderings, I decided to see how I could progress further. As a result, I wrote Sharon an email asking her if she has lobangs for network maintenance, systems maintenance, PC repair, that kind of stuff. Of course, it was also a thinly veiled attempt in checking out whether her company has any lobangs I could ingratiate myself with.
After my brother started at his new workplace, he seldom drops by any more. Our usual frequency is about once a fortnight. We enjoy each other's company, I suppose, for the short duration that he comes to visit. Sometimes, when he's not around, I guess I just make myself a cup of coffee to drink.
Before I was in Sec 1, I was able to drink hot liquid very fast. It was that year, in which when I knew Mr Chan Soh Har, my favourite science teacher, that influenced me to drink slowly. During canteen breaks, while other students go play football, mingle with each other, I'll go to Mr Chan, and talk to him about that day's lesson. Once, during our conversation, I found out that he reads Scientific American. So, I think, the next day, I asked him if I could borrow his subscription. And (since details fade over time), he lent them to me. I was so engrossed with those magazines that I read them over and over(?). Anyway, after noticing that he drinks coffee slowly, I followed suit. Over the months since then, the rate at which I drank my drinks became the rate at which I'm drinking hot drinks these days.