Today, I am accused of having a hidden agenda in an IM without any preamble.
And then, over SMS, when I shared my indignant feelings with Hui Ying, I came to the sudden realization why a few months ago, Julianna once shared a SMS I sent to her with Vivien. She must have felt indignant as well, and forwarded the SMS to Vivien (I knew this because a few weeks/months later, Vivien said so). And of course, I thought it was Vivien who approached Julianna, and I accused Vivien of being two-faced.
And of course, I have no idea why I was accused of having a hidden agenda. Last Friday, Chang Yip asked me to take notes and pass it to him on Monday. I told him I would be busy. And today, he asked if there's anything important mentioned during class, and I said there wasn't, and that I couldn't remember anyway.
I have always tried to stay steer myself away from any feelings (I got too successful at being unfeeling) and taking the counselling course had the unintended side-effect of bringing out my once-dormant feelings again. If I remember correctly, in my younger years, I saw how having feelings can bring disastrous outcome to a relationship, which is why I made myself an unfeeling person.
In any case, since the accusations are incorrect (I do not have any hidden agenda), I will not respond to them.
After dinner, I felt bored. So I thought about having a drink with my friends, and message two of them