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1965: Petula Clark - Downtown

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1965: Petula Clark - Downtown

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As I've frequently observed, "Decades after some piece of music became popular, I would start listening to it".

Tonight, I discovered Petula Clark's Downtown. Even though I've frequently listened to this song over the radio, I've never known the name of the song, nor did I pay particular attention, nor find out the name of the song.

It was only when I was looking at a CD I had, that I realized Downtown is the name of the song.

Well, Petula looked pretty, didn't she?


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    At 77 she still looks pretty good... that was last night on German Television....

    It is a good song. I have, I think, all of Petulas 1500 ish recordings in 5 languages (although they keep finding other ones lying in vaults, and of course she keeps recording more).

    Many of them are throwaway pop songs of no import and although trendy and cool at the time, they have no lasting power. Many of them are much more substanital... like Downtown. It's interesting to note that when someone covered this song a couple of years ago they used almost exactly the same arrangement to Pet's original.

    Not many songs sound as fresh 45 years on...

    Thank you Petula for the joy your music has brought all across the world for 70 years!

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