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Common mistakes made by people during rally for GE 2011

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Common mistakes made by people during rally for GE 2011

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I was at the Choa Chu Kang stadium on 30 Apr 2011, listening to the PAP rally.

While there, I heard some common mistakes made by the MC and the PAP candidates.

Some of the mistakes include:

  • Introducing Mr Gan Kim Yong as a Minister. Why do I say that? Parliament has been dissolved. Unless PAP win the Choa Chu Kang GRC, introducing Mr Gan as a Minister is pre-mature.
  • When referring to Singaporeans, the candidates generally say "They". Are the candidates not Singaporeans?

And it wasn't just PAP candidates who made such mistakes. Even one of the opposition candidates made such a mistake as well. Nicole Seah, from NSP, when referring to Singaporeans, also said "they". Why "they" instead of "we"? Isn't Nicole a Singaporean?

I've also managed to see some nice after-effects of some unhappy people on certain election posters. Smile

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