Tonight, I spoke on the topic "About MPS".
In my speech, I spoke about what MPS (Meet the People Session) is, how I was inspired by PM Lee's National Day Rally speech in 2004, followed up on his call for volunteers to step up by writing him an email, which lead to me eventually becoming a volunteer writer at MPS for the past 6 years.
I spoke about some of the types of cases I have handled.
During the speech, instead of saying "deferment of National Service", I said "deferment of National Day", and that caused quite a laughter, even though it was unintended.
For this speech, I kept the main points in my head (like I did in Project 1), and I was able to deliver the speech better, as compared to Project 1. I was calmer as well.
When doing the speech, I wanted to record it, however, I had actually forgotten to press the record button, so once again, the contents of that speech was lost - though I have my speech printed, except without the examples of MPS cases.
Learnings from this speech project: Focus on the speech, and the execution of the speech, and the rest will simply fall in place.