From my colleague, Martyn, comes an interesting email about his schedule :-

"Just in case you attempt to reach me in the office after 16:45 BST (08:45 PDT) during the next two weeks or so, I shall be leaving the office early during this period to attend to important family matters whilst my wife is away, i.e. collecting my son from child-care and then engaging in the usual tea-time feeding frenzy...

I shall still be available by cell phone for urgent matters, but might be a little distracted as I pick Alessandro's food out of my hair and do the 'choo-choo train' routine to deliver food safely in to his capacious but unwilling gullet...

What I find interesting is his description of what he's going to do during the usual tea-time feeding frency, 'choo-choo train' and his son's capacious but unwilling gullet.