If what I do everyday is practise, then I have been practising for the past 6 years. I have been practising running a server farm by running a stand-alone server 24x7x365.
Last Saturday, back from the church wedding,, I found my LCD monitor unable to be switched on. After trying to switch it on for many times, silly me thought it brought down the server as well, so I powered it off and opened up the machine to see what's wrong. I did not detect any burnt or burning smell, so nothing was burnt or fried.
I then tried powering up the machine several times, unfortunately pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence caused the CD LED to blink, indicating that the machine didn't even run the OS as the OS would have intercepted the sequence. At this point, I was flying blind as the LCD monitor had broken down. So, I rebooted a few times using CAD.
It was only then that I suspected something was wrong with the hard disk, and SMS my friend who was working in a hard disk related company, and he suggested I bring the hard disk over to him for a look on Saturday. So I can sleep peacefully over the next few days and not have to worry about it anymore.