I have been feeling restless lately. Instead of doing work, I have been surfing the net, not doing much productive stuff. If surfing the net is considered productive, I'll be rich by now.
A quick reflection of the past reviewed the following episodes:
1998 - felt the same way, and goofed around for the next 3 years. Studied for my degree. 2000 - left job, got new job. Finished degree. 2001 - left job. Got new job. Registered my business. 2002 - left job. Got new job. Left job. 2003 - 2005 did various gigs. 2005 - new job.2006 - Started learning guitar, and stopped. 2008 - began feeling the same way again. Headhunted for new job, left job to join new job.2009 - Took up counselling course.
It was amazing that it took me nearly 28 months in my previous job before I felt that way and at my current job, it took me about 13 months for me to feel the same way again.