I'm getting depressed @ work again. My emotional swing from happiness to depression and vice versa is a concern for me. I wonder if I suffer from bipolar disorder. I am depressed because I am unable to solve customers' problems. In my own list of issues, I have listed the inability to distant myself from my work as an issue I like to work on, ie, taking things too personal. During the class, I was quite tempted to share my depression via SMS, and fortunately, I held back myself, since hindsight shown me that I managed to dissipate the state away later on my own.
During Sunita's lessons today, she mentioned about miracle questions, and after her clarification of what it was, I remembered this being taught in Andrea's class and in turn, from the NLP lessons my guardian angel / mentor has shown me. I find my depression state dissipated itself while I was waiting for the MRT.
When a miracle happens, what would my job be like? For starters, I would be doing the thing I love, solving people's problems. I'd love doing my job, and being paid extremely well for it, and be able to take a sufficiently long enough vacation, like a month, with more than enough money to last throughout the entire vacation.
Yet, when I compare my current job to the miracle job, I'm nearly there. A thought occurred to me while waiting for the MRT, that everyone's problems is all about acceptance. If I accept what I have, I would be happy, wouldn't I? What's stopping me?
Similarly, when I was asked about Dr Chang's teaching style, there could be 2 motivations: one being to rekindle a conversation, the other being to provide feedback to him. Both motivations seem to me to stem from getting acceptance as well. And when I thought about answering either way, it's like the Kobayashi Maru scenario all over again.
And my questioning of the purpose of the question is an issue of acceptance as well, since I wanted to provide an acceptable answer.
On hindsight, it's not depression. I'm just emotionally upset.