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List of issues I need to work on

This side of paradise - a Singapore blog

The metamorphosis of frove and the thoughts of a millionaire mind

List of issues I need to work on

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I think I have a lot of issues to work on. These are the things that I need to change in order to become a better person.
  1. Anger  - quick to get angry
  2. Frustration - Easily frustrated
  3. Lack ability to visualize / imagine.
  4. Fear of public speaking / presentation.
  5. Do not open up feelings easily.
  6. Lack motivation and passion at work and life.
  7. Feel guilty when I do not know something / Taking things too personal
  8. Urge to correct others' mispellings / grammatical issues.
  9. Untidy handwriting
  10. Lack patience / impatient
  11. Not tolerant of mistakes (my own or others). If it's my own mistakes, I tend to brood on it.
  12. Blaming others. I would like to accept my faults in making mistakes.
  13. Lack of ability to forgive others easily.
  14. Easily offended.
  15. Easily defensive.
  16. Lack ability to focus
  17. Emotionally immature.
  18. Unable to apologize easily.
  19. Too straightforward / tactless.

Updated 21:11, Sep 27 2009

I'm wondering if I should see a counsellor or a hypnotherapist.

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