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Earning a few hundred dollars per hour...

This side of paradise - a Singapore blog

The metamorphosis of frove and the thoughts of a millionaire mind

Earning a few hundred dollars per hour...

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So, on 21st Aug, I was contacted by "The One" again. They need my expertise to do some IT work again. And of course, I said yes, I know how to get it done. Since then, I've refreshed my memory on how to get it done.

Then, I visited the customer's premises on Tuesday, and after discovering they did not have the necessary tools to get the work done, we left.

I've just finished the necessary tasks, and came back from the customer's site.

So, managed to earn quite a fair amount. How did I earn a few hundred dollars per hour? The same secret that made Tiger Woods a world champ, is what enabled me to earn a few hundred dollars per hour.

And, what is the secret? Plenty of practise.

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