Just came across this blog:  Open letter to CEOs, COOs, CIOs and CFOs across the corporate world.

While it's talking about CEOs, COOs, CIOs and CFOs, it might as well be talking about Singapore. Let's see... Our CPF got cut, so did the ministers' pay... but when the ministers' pay increased, there's no restoration to CPF.

With regards to graciousness, why doesn't the Govt let the James Gomez affair move on? If the ministers call for Singaporeans to be gracious, and it doesn't take the lead, can it expect Singaporeans to do so?

Govt's call for transparency. The Govt has called for transparency, but when WP leader Low Thia Kiang called for the Govt to disclose all the ministers' pay, he was stonewalled. Where's the transparency?

If the leader doesn't lead, does he expect the followers to follow?