A month ago, the baby was announced. It came to me yesterday. Immediately, I put it up for transfer.

Over the past 4-5 years, I've assisted in the delivery of 12 babies, as I've discovered recently, with an average of 2-3 babies delivered per annum.

In the past, if labour is started, and the dilation is 2cm or less, the labour can be stopped with a beta sympathomimetic, unlike some bonehead who thinks it cannot be done (must have failed his premed), or another, who insists it be done in the OR. A more primitive way would be a 5% solution of ethanol alcohol in dextrose and water intravenously administered to interfere with the oxytocin released by the brain to stimulate cervical contractions.

I was approached yesterday in another social troubleshooting session on how to overcome a person (who has both the financial means and social clout) who has threatened to sue over some written material. For another time again, I have no reply, as I do not have the necessary experience to deal with this kind of situation. Mediation perhaps?