Wherever I turn, wherever I go,this is the way, I've got to come back to.There is nowhere I can turn to,no one whom I can ask for help.
No one will pay the price,for the salvation that comes,to rescue us, from this monstrosity.
What can one say, what can one do,to stop this madness from spreading?
False accusations hurt our hearts,the illogic behind it, the emotions thatarise has torn me ashunder.Who will believe? Who has the willTo show me the way, to battle thisevil? When all possible solutionsI have thought of, are offered as,the answer to it all?It has become all too common,for me to turn a deaf ear. I do not,want to lose, my sympathy, andmy compassion,which faces this devil.
For one day, being all too common,with the evil that comes, I will beapathetic to it all, and the greatestcrime, I will commit.
I will destroy the evil, the voice thatturns my cries of sympathy, mycries of "Help me, you're my onlyhope." into the apathethy that I nowallow to possess me, when it happens.
Originally written: 23 Jun 1997