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Goal ahead: $8.5 million

This side of paradise - a Singapore blog

The metamorphosis of frove and the thoughts of a millionaire mind

Goal ahead: $8.5 million

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I've mentioned about my goal a few times in the past, but never specifically, I believe.
My retirement goal is $8.5 million. At my current status, I'm quite far away from that goal. However, I'm nearly free of debt by now. If I wish, I could be financially free from debt, but I did not want to do that at this time.

Like I mentioned before, all companies and businesses are interested in their own growth, not mine or yours. Planning my own retirement and my own future is my own issue, not that of any company or business that hires me.

One of the best investments I have made 7 years ago is to buy into Wilmar. It was an accidental investment and that investment has since grown 10 times. In order to replicate my success, I need to be more financially savvy.

Therefore, tomorrow and the day after, I will be attending a course at NTU@one-north campus.

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