Last Friday, I met Daniel at the Popular Bookstore, Jurong East MRT. I was actually waiting for Daniel's call before that, as I had a meeting with the retailer in the morning, which finished around 12pm.

Daniel finally called me around 4pm, and said he's in Jurong East. Away I go, and we finally ended up in a coffee shop.

There, we chat again, about this and that. Daniel's going away to Taipei to investigate opportunities in the computer market and would be back on April 1st. I told him I suspected that SingPost is geared up to become the provider for lending money, as it launches it's ezyCash (PDF, HTML). It seems like a timely move, as the decision for the casino would be made on April 18.

Fantastically, being nearly 60 of age, Daniel has never been to a Parliament session before, so we'll be there on April 18, to see how it all pans out. Should the Singapore Govt decide to launch the casino, I believe SingPost and all the other money lenders would benefit. In addition, Marina Mandarin, Fullerton, and other hotels nearby would benefit greatly, as they're sited near the proposed casino.

In other matters, I've been busy scouting around for Microsoft SQL 2000 Enterprise. It seems to me that the software package costs over $20,000 and the retailer is interested in purchasing it. I've scouted around, and managed to locate some packages that costs slightly lower, so this might be an excellent opportunity for me to make some money as well, since I'll be building their High Availability solution for them.