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Passion or money?

This side of paradise - a Singapore blog

The metamorphosis of frove and the thoughts of a millionaire mind

Passion or money?

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Imagine a fence...

On one side of the fence is a career that pays a monthly 5-figure salary that you can easily do, without the passion. On the other side of the fence, is a career that pays a lesser salary that you can easily do, with the passion.

Which side of the fence would you rather be? Is there only these two sides? I find myself with as many questions as V'ger.

When faced with this question nearly a lifetime ago, I took a leap of faith, and jumped. And the reason I took the leap of faith is that my fundamentals for these two careers are so solid that I know I can tackle both sides of the fence.

It took me nearly 20% of the time I spent on the other side of the fence to realize I'm beginning to get depressed / bored.

And I began to seek more challenges... One of the challenges I sought is to provide consultancy, but it doesn't come often yet. Years ago, I gave up my consultancy business because the business wasn't flourishing. And once again, I'm dangled with a choice.

What would I choose? What would you choose?


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