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A theory on the controlling of blogs in Singapore

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A theory on the controlling of blogs in Singapore

  • Comments 8
Still think that blogs in Singapore are not "pick your favourite word here" by the Govt?
Well, here's proof.

Bloggers.SG 2005, the first upcoming Bloggers Convention of Singapore, would be held at the Woodlands Regional Library.

Let's review all the clues.
  • Tomorrow.sg, started by a staff of IDA.
  • Bloggers.SG 2005, held at a location owned by the state.
  • Refreshments provided by Shine, which is...

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  • so are you coming for Bloggers.SG 2005?
  • btw, u needn't have gone thru all that trouble. on the shine website itself, at:
    you'll find that shine is organised by mcys AND nyc.
    have fun with your conspiracies ;)
  • There’s a conspiracy at hand. Shine!, a government initiative, is funding (even if it is only the refreshments) the first Singapore Bloggers Convention. No longer will you be able to hide behind online monikers like AcidFlask or Mr. Brown. Participants,...
  • For the record -- the NLB is a govt agency but not civil service. It is managing the public libraries on behalf of the govt FOR the people of Singapore. It's ultimately funded by taxpayers (you and me). So sponsoring the venue for a Singaporean-led Civic-group initiative is quite logical. Basically, your conspiracy theory cannot hold water lah. : )
  • If you go to the convention then the terrorists would have won!
  • mmm... better not drink the water at blogcon! it probably has secret mind-controlling powers!!
  • <p><table><tr><td>It’s a big world out there with many scary <a href="http://tomorrow.sg/archives/2005/06/02/singapore_blog_conspiracy_meme.html">conspiracies</a> that mere mortals do not know. And in many ways, they are better off not knowing: We are b
  • tinker, no I won't be attending it.

    Ivan, I'm having fun with my theories. When something is not proven, it's theory. So, naturally, it doesn't hold water. ;o)
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