Internalizing the knowledge learnt so far, these are my notes on PIC, CIA, and SAMPLE.

Sternberg, R.J. (1986). A triangular theory of love. Psychological Review, 93, 119-135. noted that "Following relationship termination, an individual's capacity for passion appears to go negative for a period of time, as the individual overcomes feelings of loss."

Robert Sternberg's PIC (triangle theory of love) - Passion, Intimacy, Commitment

  • Passion - occurs at the beginning of relationships, peaks relatively quickly and reduces to a stable level as a result of habituation (familiarity). After relationship termination, an individual's capacity for passion appears to go negative as the individual overcomes the feelings of loss. (Hmm, this could explain me)
  • Intimacy - Peak slower than passion, and gradually reduces to a relatively low level as bonding increases.
  • Commitment - In successful relationships, the level of commitment rises slowly initially, speeds up and slowly levels off. Level of commitment decreases slowly and goes back towards the baseline in a failed relationship.

John Lee's SAMPLE (style of loving) - Storge, Agape, Mania, Pragma, Ludus, Eros.

  • Storge - peaceful, affectionate love that focuses on mutual trust and respect.
  • Agape - altruistic love, is self-sacrificing, kind and patient.
  • Mania - Obsessive love, is jealous, possessive and dependent, ie, characterized by jealousy, possessiveness and dependency.
  • Pragma - Practical love, is sensible and realistic.
  • Ludus - carefree and casual love, playful.
  • Eros - love of beauty, with a powerful attraction.

Zick Rubin's CIA (scale of loving) - Caring, Intimacy, Attachment.

  • Caring - Feeling of concern for the loved one, manifested in the desire to help and support them.
  • Intimacy - Desire for close and confidential contact with the loved one in a circle of trust.
  • Attachment - Strong need for physical presence and support of loved ones and the desire to be fulfilled by them.