My first article for the development of Productivity Experts (Ref: More power to Productivity Experts! and Experts) has been published in the June/July issue of SDA Asia Magazine.

I first wrote this article before I joined Borland. I have further articles planned for the magazine, but I've to find some private time in my schedule in order to finish this series of articles on the Productivity Experts.

If anyone is interested in testing Productivity Experts, please let me know, so that I can send a binary to you.

Please state

  1. Exact version and build number of Delphi (or Delphis, if you're using multiple versions) used.
  2. Service/Update Packs if any and the number of the service pack.

PS: Just telling me you've got the latest service packs or updates won't do. Be specific!

Update: Jun 10 2005, 1755 GMT+0800, just noticed that Bruce McGee discussed about my Productivity Experts here.