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Let's say you have a type,
type TMySecretData = record Timestamp: TDateTime; SecretInfo: string; // or some unknown type.... class function Create(ATimestamp: TDateTime; const ASecretInfo: string): TMySecretData; static; end;
and you have a declaration of a list of TMySecretData:
var List: TList<TMySecretData>;
you have already populated this list, and now you want to sort the list.
All you have to do is create a delegated comparer with an anonymous compare function that compares one of the fields in an instance of your type with another instance:
List.Sort(TDelegatedComparer<TMySecretData>.Create(function (const Left, Right: TMySecretData): Integer begin // Perform the comparison here if Left.SecretInfo < Right.SecretInfo then Result := -1 else if Left.SecretInfo > Right.SecretInfo then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end));
TDelegatedComparer will then create an instance of the comparer: IComparer<TMySecretData> and provide that to the Sort method. One of the mistakes that can be easily overlooked is missing the "const" keyword.
Here's the complete compilable example:
uses System.Generics.Collections, System.Generics.Defaults, System.SysUtils, System.DateUtils; type TMySecretData = record Timestamp: TDateTime; SecretInfo: string; // or some unknown type.... class function Create(const ATimestamp: TDateTime; const ASecretInfo: string): TMySecretData; static; end; { TMySecretData } class function TMySecretData.Create(const ATimestamp: TDateTime; const ASecretInfo: string): TMySecretData; begin Result.Timestamp := ATimestamp; Result.SecretInfo := ASecretInfo; end; var List: TList<TMySecretData>; Item: TMySecretData; begin List := TList<TMySecretData>.Create; List.Add(TMySecretData.Create(Now, 'Secret 2')); List.Add(TMySecretData.Create(Now, 'Secret 4')); List.Add(TMySecretData.Create(Now, 'Secret 1')); for Item in List do // Before the sort begin WriteLn(Item.SecretInfo); end; List.Sort(TDelegatedComparer<TMySecretData>.Create(function (const Left, Right: TMySecretData): Integer begin if Left.SecretInfo < Right.SecretInfo then Result := -1 else if Left.SecretInfo > Right.SecretInfo then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end)); for Item in List do // After the sort begin WriteLn(Item.SecretInfo); end; List.Free; end.
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