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"Spear" nightmare

This side of paradise - a Singapore blog

The metamorphosis of frove and the thoughts of a millionaire mind

"Spear" nightmare

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Just awaken from a nightmare.

I had sat down with Tim Jarvis and another friend on a patch of wide grassfield. I had earlier told Tim that I was hunted, but he thinks it's alright and he has calmed me down somewhat. Presently, he began to sing a song, however, I still kept a watch on the horizon, in case there were people still pursuing me further.

Just as I started to relax, and there I saw on the horizon, that there are now two pursuers with white spears and they're on their way. I see a fence quite some distance in front of me, and the plants(?) growth had nearly covered the top of the fence. There is a gate(?) adjoining the fence, however, it appears that the gate was locked. I quickly ran towards the gate and scaled the fence and had began to climb down the other side when one spear whoosh by!

And as I woke up and thought about quickly blogging about this, somehow, the Spear of Destiny popped up in my head.

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