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One of the more useful techniques I've developed over the years is detecting what module the caller for a method came from.
In an application with multiple DLLs (or packages), sometimes, it's necessary to detect the module for the caller of a method.
In the System unit, there's a routine called FindHInstance, that, when given an address, returns the module handle for a module.
So, in the method where you wanted to know the module of a caller, you can do this:
This gets you the module handle of the module that called your method.
This method can be extended to find out what module an interface, or a class is defined as well. One can do so by using the class itself.
For example, if you're a DLL and you want to find where TButton is declared, you need to cast it to a pointer first, and call FindHInstance like so:
Wrapping this into an easier to remember name, one can write:
function FindClassHInstance(ClassType: TClass): HINST; begin Result := FindHInstance(Pointer(ClassType)); end;
Then, you can call it like so:
FindClassHInstance is declared in the System unit.
This method can then be extended to find where the implementation for a particular interface is declared as well. In order to do this, cast the interface into an object, then obtain its class type, and finally, call FindClassHInstance on it.
This article discusses the new Delphi 8 property access specifiers.
Continued discussion of undocumented Delphi 8 Property Access Specifiers, and other ways of adding and removing delegates / events handlers, including clearing the list of all the delegates / event handlers.