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While working on a project which uses the TIdHTTP component, I realized I needed to eliminate certain HTTP headers from being sent.
After examining the logic flow in Indy's TIdHTTP component, I realized that all I needed to do to manipulate HTTP headers is to create a TIdHttpRequest descendant, and override the SetHeaders method.
Then, before making a call to any of the TIdHTTP.Get methods, assign an instance of the TIdHttpRequest descendant to the TIdHTTP.Request property, like so:
IdHTTP1.Request.Free; IdHTTP1.Request := TIdHTTPRequestReplacement.Create(IdHTTP1);
Here's what the SetHeaders method looks like:
procedure TIdHTTPRequestReplacement.SetHeaders; var I: Integer; LHeader: string; SL: TStringList; begin inherited; SL := TStringList.Create; try // Clear any headers that is not User-Agent, Host, etc... for I := 0 to RawHeaders.Count-1 do begin LHeader := RawHeaders.Names[ I ]; if (LHeader<>'User-Agent') and (LHeader<>'Host') and (LHeader<>'xxx') and (LHeader<>'yyy') then SL.Add(LHeader); end; // Pretend we're some other browser RawHeaders.Values['User-Agent'] := 'custom user-agent'; for LHeader in SL do RawHeaders.Values[LHeader] := ''; finally SL.Free; end; end;
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