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Continuing from my Adventures in translating Java to Delphi.NET: Part 1 article...
In translating Java to Delphi.NET, one of the weirder things I came across is the following...
{$AUTOBOX ON}uses java.util;...var HM: Hashmap; Obj1: TObject; Obj2: string; S: string;begin HM := Hashmap.Create; S := '1'; HM.put('5', '1'); HM.put(6, S); Obj1 := HM.get('5'); WriteLn(Obj1 as string); // Specified cast is not valid. Obj2 := HM.get(6) as string; WriteLn(Obj1); // Got compiled as TextOutput.Output.WriteWideString(Obj1.ToString(), 0).WriteLn(); WriteLn(Obj2); // Got compiled as TextOutput.Output.WriteWideString(Obj2.ToString(), 0).WriteLn(); ...
One of the lines above will throw an exception. Which one is it? Well, the one where Obj1 is casted to a string. I'm not entirely certain what's happening here.
I've no idea whether it was Microsof't's implementation of Java's Hashmap that is problematic, or whether Sun's Java specification is problematic, or whether the problem lies with CodeGear's dccil compiler, or whether my translation is at fault.
If, instead of casting to a string, I use Obj1.ToString instead, the code then works flawlessly though... One of the ways I work around this issue is by declaring the LHS variable to be a TObject, or a System.Object, and then calling LHS.ToString instead.
Continued discussion of undocumented Delphi 8 Property Access Specifiers, and other ways of adding and removing delegates / events handlers, including clearing the list of all the delegates / event handlers.