About the author
I was writing a game component in Delphi, and somehow, whenever the game's component settings got changed, the game was leaking memory.
Using MemCheck with Delphi 7 SP 1, I managed to figure out where the memory leak was, and fixed the leak.
MemCheck is a free tool, which comes with complete source code. In the initialization section of any unit, preferably, the first unit that is listed in the project's clause, issue a call to MemChk.
When you close your application, MemCheck opens up your editor, and displays all the stack calls. Each stack trace is shown with the number of bytes leaked, and the number of times called.
If you're a programmer worth your weight in either dilithium or trilithium, you should be able to work out where your memory leaks are from there.
A method to design records so that they're allocated on a specific byte boundary, such as 16 bytes, 512 bytes, 4096 bytes, etc.