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The Delphi 8 compiler introduces the AUTOBOX directive. In the spirit of the Delphi Language Guide, I have presented information for the AUTOBOX directive in the table below.
The $AUTOBOX directive controls the compatibility of simple types with other types.
In the {$AUTOBOX OFF} state, a simple type is compatible with only that simple type. In order for a simple type to be converted to another type, a boxing operation is needed.In order to remain compatible with previous versions of Delphi, this is the default.
In the {$AUTOBOX ON} state, a simple type is compatible with that simple type, and TObject itself. Also, in a call to a procedure with an interface type parameter, an object is compatible with only any interface types it implements, provided that the declared procedure is not overloaded.
Sample usage
var O: TObject; I: Integer;begin I := 5; {$AUTOBOX ON} O := I; {$AUTOBOX OFF} O := TObject(I);end.
Quiz time!
Which of the following code fragments would compile or not compile?