Imagine when you have a generic type, such as the following class, and you need to get the hash for K, so that it can be mapped to V.

TMapEntry<K, V>

Since K is not constrained to a class, you can't do much.

However, if you look at the System.Generics.Defaults unit, you'll see that there is a way to do so. In there, an interface is declared:

  IEqualityComparer = interface
    function Equals(const Left, Right: T): Boolean;
    function GetHashCode(const Value: T):Integer;

So, all you have to do is either implement, or get the IEqualityComparer for K. To do so, looking into the System.Generics.Defaults unit, one finds the TEqualityComparer<T> class, which can construct a default instance of IEqualityComparer<T> by calling the Default method.

So, to obtain the hash code for K, first, construct IEqualityComparer<K>. Here's how:

  LComparer: IEqualityComparer<K>;
  LHashCode: Integer;

  LComparer := TEqualityComparer<K>.Default;
  LHashCode := LComparer.GetHashCode(K);

There's no need to dispose LComparer, since it's an interface, and the class backing it will be disposed of automatically, when the scope of the declaration is exited.