The next Singapore Delphi User Group meeting is tentatively planned on 24-27 May.

This will coincide with a planned conference on that date. Whether you're a software developer, Human Resource manager, Technology Officer, this is your best time to
  • get in touch with other companies doing development in Delphi
  • get in touch with other developers using Delphi
  • share and discuss your software development experiences in Delphi
If you're interested to attend, send me an email stating your
  1. name,
  2. contact number,
  3. email and
  4. company name.
You can do this by clicking on the Contact link above, or visiting my blog site(and clicking on the Contact link, if you're using a RSS reader).

Interested readers from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and other areas are welcomed.

How about a meetup, David?