“My RSS Reader” got updated recently. The feeds retrieval method is now a background thread.

Previously, when “Refresh All” is clicked, or activated, it calls the feeds retrieval method synchronously. As a result, the UI freezes, so though the application was working perfectly, you might think that it has hung.

For now, feeds retrieval no longer causes the UI to hang, but adding or deleting any categories or feeds from the feeds list will cause the application to shut down immediately... Woowee! That makes it behave like D2005 or D7.

I implemented the feed retrieval by refactoring it into another method, and called it from TThread.StaticSynchronize.

Because the feeds retrieval is now a background thread, there is a possibility that the user would want to close the application during feeds retrieval. As a result, I've added a dialog to the application, so that if the user closes the application during feeds retrieval, a “Please wait...” dialog shows up. Of course, what it does is set an event, then, signal to the feeds retrieval thread to terminate.

getrss at chuacw.hn.org has been updated with the newer version. In order to get this newer version of “My RSS Reader”, send a blank email to the address. Note, as I have packaged “My RSS Reader” with a professional installer (MimarSinan International's InstallAWARE), the email sent to you is at about 4MB. If you do not receive it, please wait a while before sending it again. The email sent to you will include a self-extracting EXE. Firewalls may block certain EXEs, so if you do not receive it after more than an hour, check your firewalls first.