Are you required to develop an Open Tools API plugin for Delphi 8?

If so, you may be required to add a menu item to the Delphi 8 menu. Before adding a menu item to the Delphi 8 menu, you are required to know the existing name of a Delphi 8 menu item.

As the author of probably the world's first plugin (outside of Borland) for Delphi 8, I had to figure out all the menu item names, in order to insert an item into the Delphi 8 menu.

For the first time, anywhere in the world, the following code fragment shows you how to walk the list of menu items in Delphi 8, and list them out.

MainMenu := BorlandIDE.GetServices(typeof(IOTAMainMenuService));
MenuItem := MainMenu.GetFirstMenuItem;

while MenuItem<>nil do
 MenuItem := MenuItem.NextMenuItem;

procedure SubMenus(MenuItem...)
... ChildMenuItem: ...
 for I := 0 to 99 do
    ChildMenuItem := MenuItem.ChildMenuItem(I);
    if ChildMenuItem = nil then Break;
    Show MenuItem in TextBox....

Some Delphi 8 users wished Borland could have published the following information, but as of the date/time of this article, it remains unpublished, and undocumented.

Undocumented Delphi 8 menu item names

Name: “FileMenu” Caption: “&File”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “New1” Caption: “&New”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileOpenItem” Caption: “&Open...”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileOpenProjectItem” Caption: “Open Pro&ject...”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileClosedFilesItem” Caption: “&Reopen”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileSaveSeparater” Caption: “-”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileSaveItem” Caption: “&Save”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileSaveAsItem” Caption: “Save &As...”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileSaveProjectAs” Caption: “Sav&e Project As...”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileSaveAllItem” Caption: “Sa&ve All”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileCloseItem” Caption: “&Close”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileCloseAllItem” Caption: “C&lose All”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileMenuSeparator” Caption: “-”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileUseUnitItem” Caption: “&Use Unit...”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “” Caption: “-”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FilePrintItem” Caption: “&Print...”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “” Caption: “-”
Parent “FileMenu” Name: “FileExitItem” Caption: “E&xit"

Name: “EditMenu” Caption: “&Edit”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditUndoItem” Caption: “&Undo”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditRedoItem” Caption: “&Redo”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “” Caption: “-”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditCutItem” Caption: “Cu&t”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditCopyItem” Caption: “&Copy”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditPasteItem” Caption: “&Paste”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditDeleteItem” Caption: “&Delete”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditSelectAll” Caption: “Se&lect All”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “” Caption: “-”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditAlignGridItem” Caption: “Align to &Grid”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditFrontItem” Caption: “Bring to &Front”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditBackItem” Caption: “Send to &Back”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditAlignItem” Caption: “&Align...”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditSizeItem” Caption: “&Size...”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditScaleItem” Caption: “Scal&e...”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditTabOrderItem” Caption: “Tab &Order...”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditCreationOrderItem” Caption: “Creatio&n Order...”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditFlipChildrenItem” Caption: “Flip C&hildren”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “EditLockControlsItem” Caption: “Loc&k Controls”
Parent “EditMenu” Name: “HTMLTidySubmenuItem” Caption: “HTML Tidy”

Name: “SearchMenu” Caption: “&Search”
Parent “SearchMenu” Name: “SearchFindItem” Caption: “&Find...”
Parent “SearchMenu” Name: “SearchFileFindItem” Caption: “Fin&d in Files...”
Parent “SearchMenu” Name: “SearchReplaceItem” Caption: “&Replace...”
Parent “SearchMenu” Name: “SearchAgainItem” Caption: “&Search Again”
Parent “SearchMenu” Name: “SearchIncrementalItem” Caption: “&Incremental Search”
Parent “SearchMenu” Name: “” Caption: “-”
Parent “SearchMenu” Name: “SearchGoToItem” Caption: “&Go to Line Number...”
Parent “SearchMenu” Name: “SearchGotoAddressItem” Caption: “Goto Addr&ess”

Name: “ViewsMenu” Caption: “&View”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “ViewObjInspItem” Caption: “&Object Inspector”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “ViewDebugItem” Caption: “&Debug Windows”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “ViewDesktopsMenu” Caption: “Des&ktops”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “mnuViewDataExplorer” Caption: “Data Explorer”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “ViewWelcomePageItem” Caption: “&Welcome Page”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “EditWindowSeparator” Caption: “-”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “ViewNewEditorItem” Caption: “New &Edit Window”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “DockEditWindow1” Caption: “Dock Edit Window”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “” Caption: “-”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “HistoryMenuItem” Caption: “History”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “HistorySeparator” Caption: “-”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “ViewToolbarsItem” Caption: “Toolba&rs”
Parent “ViewsMenu” Name: “ViewNextWindowItem” Caption: “Next Window”

Name: “ProjectMenu” Caption: “&Project”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectAddItem” Caption: “&Add to Project...”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectRemoveItem” Caption: “&Remove from
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectAddRepositoryItem” Caption: “Add
&to Repository...”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ViewPrjSourceItem” Caption: “&View Source”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “N2” Caption: “-”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectAddNewProjectItem” Caption: “Add
&New Project...”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectAddExistingProjectItem” Caption:
"Add E&xisting Project...”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectCompileSeparator” Caption: “-”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectCompileItem” Caption: “&Compile”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectBuildItem” Caption: “&Build”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectSyntaxItem” Caption: “&Syntax
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectInformationItem” Caption:
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectClearUnitCacheItem” Caption: “Clear
Unit Cache”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “N1” Caption: “-”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectCompileAllItem” Caption: “Compil&e
All Projects”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectBuildAllItem” Caption: “B&uild All
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectSeparator2” Caption: “-”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectDependenciesItem” Caption: “&Dependencies...”
Parent “ProjectMenu” Name: “ProjectOptionsItem” Caption: “&Options...”

Name: “RunMenu” Caption: “&Run”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunRunItem” Caption: “&Run”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunRunNoDebugItem” Caption: “Run Without &Debugging”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunParametersItem” Caption: “&Parameters...”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunParametersSeparator” Caption: “-”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunStepOverItem” Caption: “&Step Over”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunTraceIntoItem” Caption: “&Trace Into”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunTraceToSourceItem” Caption: “Trace to &Next Source Line”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunGotoCursorItem” Caption: “Run to &Cursor”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunShowCSIPItem” Caption: “S&how Execution Point”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunPauseItem” Caption: “Pro&gram Pause”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunResetItem” Caption: “Program R&eset”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunDetachItem” Caption: “&Detach From Program”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunInspectSeparator” Caption: “-”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunEvalModItem” Caption: “E&valuate/Modify...”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunAddWatchItem” Caption: “Add &Watch...”
Parent “RunMenu” Name: “RunAddBreakItem” Caption: “Add &Breakpoint"

Name: “ComponentMenu” Caption: “&Component”
Parent “ComponentMenu” Name: “ComponentPaletteItem” Caption: “actnCompDummy”

Name: “Map” Caption: “Team”
Parent “Map” Name: “CheckOutFiles” Caption: “Check Out Files...”
Parent “Map” Name: “CheckInFiles” Caption: “Check In Files...”
Parent “Map” Name: “AddFiles” Caption: “Add Files...”
Parent “Map” Name: “RemoveFiles” Caption: “Remove Files...”
Parent “Map” Name: “UndoCheckOutFiles” Caption: “Undo Check Out Files...”
Parent “Map” Name: “MainSep2” Caption: “-”
Parent “Map” Name: “CommitBrowser” Caption: “Commit Browser...”
Parent “Map” Name: “PlaceProject” Caption: “Place Project Into Source
Parent “Map” Name: “PullProject” Caption: “Pull Project from Source Control...”
Parent “Map” Name: “MainSep3” Caption: “-”
Parent “Map” Name: “ShowDifferences1” Caption: “Show Differences...”
Parent “Map” Name: “GetFiles” Caption: “Get Latest Version”
Parent “Map” Name: “ShowHistory1” Caption: “Show History...”
Parent “Map” Name: “MainSep4” Caption: “-”
Parent “Map” Name: “Messages1” Caption: “Messages”
Parent “Map” Name: “RunSccApplication1” Caption: “Run Scc Application”

Name: “ToolsMenu” Caption: “&Tools”
Parent “ToolsMenu” Name: “ToolsOptionsItem” Caption: “&Options...”
Parent “ToolsMenu” Name: “ToolsGalleryItem” Caption: “&Repository...”
Parent “ToolsMenu” Name: “IDEToolsItem” Caption: “Build Tools...”
Parent “ToolsMenu” Name: “N3” Caption: “-”
Parent “ToolsMenu” Name: “ToolsToolsItem” Caption: “Configure &Tools...”

Name: “HelpMenu” Caption: “&Help”
Parent “HelpMenu” Name: “HelpContentsItem” Caption: “C# Builder Help”
Parent “HelpMenu” Name: “HelpDelphiToolsItem” Caption: “Delphi &Tools”
Parent “HelpMenu” Name: “” Caption: “-”
Parent “HelpMenu” Name: “HelpInprisePage” Caption: “&Borland Home Page”
Parent “HelpMenu” Name: “HelpCommunityPage” Caption: “B&orland Developer Network”
Parent “HelpMenu” Name: “HelpDelphiPage” Caption: “Delphi Home &Page”
Parent “HelpMenu” Name: “HelpDevSupportPage” Caption: “Delphi Developer &Support”
Parent “HelpMenu” Name: “HelpProgGuideSeparater” Caption: “-”